Alhamdulilah sudah selamat bernikah (9.7.11)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Majlis Pertunangan (10.10.10)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Aim seterusnya utk Ayra .. utk ayra ke utk mummy N Ayah?

next expo
(bulan depan ler tuh)
aimnya nk beli 
baby carrier

 any suggestion 
brand yg baik

sape penah pakai?
tolong share sket kengkawan!

tima kaceh

Baby Ayra dan 3rd Jab story

balik dari 3rd Jab kat KK
singgah Sunway piramid
pergi beli 
bracelet utk Ayra..yeahhhh

mummy pun tumpang sekaki..
dapat la pezen pendant
as gift hari jadi dari ayoh!
terima kasih ayoh!

tade la pix takat beli bracelet & pendant kat Poh Kong
mcm poyo2 je nk upload sume, kan?

dalam pada berwindow soping
bump dgn besfewn mummy
Aunty Sida!

now ayra dah 3 bulan
berat 6.8 kg

anak yang baik..
anak yang sihat..

happy belated besday to Mummy..!!
ucap happy belated birthday skrang kat Mummy! ;p
Mummy dah 28 tahun
now happily married with lovely husband & beautiful daughter
Thank you , Allah

tahun ni takde celebrate beriya - iya mcm dolu2 u olz!
pun tak de surprise kek dari Hencik S mcm dolu2
tahun ni dapat adiah anak & pendant jew..hohohoho

semoga segala perancangan & target utk tahun 2013
akan berjaya

Kidsme Food Feeder

 hai u olz!

nk share perasaan kejakunan ini! hehehehe

berasa jakun pada benda nih:

Kidsme Food Feeder

pic credit : Tuan Google :)

ape mende nih?

Babies drool so much around three months of age because they are growing and developing. Stomach acid is neutralized by the saliva, the babies’ intestinal lining is further developed from all that drool, and heals the esophageal lining that may become very irritated from spitting up regularly. In addition, drool has special enzymes that will help babies begin to digest solid food when they start eating around four to six months of age. 

It is a developmental milestone that babies pass when they start solid foods. Kidsme™ Food Feeder is invented for babies to enjoy food without any food ending up in their hair or on the floor anyhow. It is also designed to prevent “choking” tragedies. There is no need for food to be pureed if the baby is 5 or 6 months of age or older. Simply cut the food into small pieces and put it in the Kidsme™ Food Feeder . Babies will feed themselves!

nak beli kat mane ?

 Kidsme Malaysia Online Baby Store

i dah beli sepasang u olz!

excited sgt!

padahal ayra mummy baru 3bulan setengah

bole tak nk bagi kat ayra mkn buah skrg?


al-kisah jumpa menda nih masa pergi Mother & Baby Expo Shah Alam
last week..


lepas koyak kat Baby Expo Mid Valley awal bulan nih..hohohohohoh

bulan ni je dah 2x ke baby expo dan koyakkkkkkkkk

asalnya pergi nk tgk2 jew


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wedding by Ayra Qreatif Idea - Majlis Resepsi Waheeda + Hafiz

Wedding Reception Waheeda + Hafiz by Ayra Qreatif Idea:

- guest book table deco ( fresh flower decoration)
- bride's room deco ( fresh flower decoration)
- bride + groom attire
- pelamin
- hand bouquet ( fresh flower)


make up by
Ayra Beauty Touch
Make up Artist : Suzana Fazlin
(017 - 2432397)

Make up  -

call :
017 2432397


drop your email to request quotation or for fast response just give me a call!

my lil' snow white

my chienta hati masuk contest 
bayi tercomel
x menang
tapi aku puashati
sbb masa kecik2
tak dapat peluang cenggini

igt senang nk dapat gambar cenggini
dgn bergentel orang lain nk amek gambar
pas tu dgn si kenit nih
byk hal
nk tdo ler
nk susu ler
mengamuk2 lagi
dapt jugak
amek pose yg ok

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

takde motip..

ini gambar fresh...
pagi tadi sbm g keje
aku snap gambar ayra

sje nk tepek kat sini..
buat kenangan
buat hiburan
ye! aku mmg suke upload gambar ank
mmg jenis mak yg suke upload gambar anak
tak ape motip
suke suki jew

ramai org ckp mcm muka ayah aka Hencik S

baby aku dah tak muat baju dia yg 
saiz 0-6 month/3-6 months
dari umo 2 bulan lebih dah muat pki utk saiz 6 bulan ke atas
saiz newborn mmg ketat
seb baik aku mmg ade beli baju
saiz besar utk simpanan la kunun
dh baru-baru ni ade beli baju kat
Baby Expo kat KLCC
amek saiz M
tapi tuh pun mcm dah nak ketat
cpat btol anak mummy besoo
sihat sgt!

Ayra dh pandai bermain ....

skrang ayra dah pandai main dgn playgym dia


main-main mcm tuh jew la
blom pandai nk capai2 lagi
but i really  happy
my baby 
dah start tunjuk
perkembangan positif 
elok dgn berehat kat sini kaw

kalau nk suh dia berehat
n main
kene siap2 bagi dia kenyang
kalau dia tak kenyang
buat la ape pun
mmg mengamuk
sume benda tak layan...

dia tgk jew mainan yg bergantung2 tuh
kalau tiarapkan dia
mmg marah!
dia tak suka tiarap
pulak dah gitew!

kepala ayra dah kuat skrg
kemain lagi
pusing kepala sana sini
very da kepoci

mari menangis...

1. erk erk erk jew

 2. muka nk mula nangis

 3. mula nangis

4.  huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

5. nangis sekuat hati..hehe

ni rupa anak ku kalau nk susu..nangis mcm beriya...
nk cepat jew
tak leh lambat
kalau lambat lagi mengamuk..hohohoo

selalunya bile ayra dh nangis
baru la mummy n ayahnya
menggelupur nak buat susu
orang nih la berangin
kejap nk susu badan
kejap tak nak
walau haus kemain
time mood tak elok
suakan nenen pun tak nak
tahan haus dari nk nenen
sanggup tunggu susu bancuh
kalau mood elok
elok jew nenen dgn mummy